People have always said that "it's a small world" and that made sense when finding connections within the state of PA, but finding connections to PNG? I didn't think so...I mean that's all the way on the other side of the world.

However, I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who know people who know people (and so on...) who know someone who's in or has been in Papua New Guinea. The amount of people that I have talked to who have some (mostly distant) connection to PNG is crazy considering it's a small country and most people don't even know where in the world it is. I even had a lady at Panera, who overheard a conversation, come up to me today and tell me that she knows someone who lives in PNG as well.
The craziest connection was also one of the most distant. My friend, Molly, who is also teaching abroad, has an aunt who has a friend that lives in PNG. I got her number and was texting back and forth with her and found out that her oldest son is going to be in my class! God works in wonderful (and crazy) ways.
I then found out that Molly's aunt's friend has a friend whose daughter (confusing, I know) is also an education major at Messiah and is interested in student teaching abroad at Ukarumpa International School. I mean, what are the odds?
I'll be meeting with the other Messiah student tonight to help her figure out the application process for teaching at UIS. I have also connected with another college student who is interested in mission work and we've been chatting about our future plans to carry out God's calling in our lives. It's been amazing to see how God is already using me in ways that I would've never expected.